October 18, 2024
Here below is the listing of all INGO directory, both active and expired. If you want to list your job advert here, please contact us via email. Here below is the listing of all INGO directory, both active and expired. If you want to list your job advert here, please contact us via email.

Short Name Organisation Name Email Address Phone International Website Vietnam Website
CRS Catholic Relief Services crs.vietnam@crs.org +84-4-3773 8300 http://www.crs.org http://www.crs.org/vietnam
CtC Challenge to Change vietnam@challengetochange.org +84-4-37621192 http://www.challengetochange.org
CWS Church World Service – Vietnam cws@cws.org.vn +84-4-3832 8569 http://www.churchworldservice.org http://www.cws.org.vn
DDG Danish Demining Group rep.ddg.vietnam@drc.dk; rep.ddg.vietnam@drc.dk +84 (0) 989 129 151 http://www.ddg.dk
DGRV Deutscher Genossenschafts – Und Raiffeisenverband e.V. dngan@dgrv.coop +84 4 3847 0945 https://www.dgrv.de/en/
DHF The Danish Association of the Physically Disabled majbritt@danskhandicapforbund.dk +8 24 3200 4805
DKT Vietnam DKT International in Vietnam +84-3795-4165 http://www.dktinternational.org http://www.dktvietnam.org
DSIK Deutsche Sparkassenstiftung fuer internationale Kooperation christian.grajek@sparkassenstiftung.de +84 98 160 64 88 http://www.sparkassenstiftung.de
DWF Development Workshop France dwvn@dwf.org +84-54-384 8231 http://www.dwf.org
E&D Enfants&Développement +84-8-39412968 http://planete-eed.org/en/home/