Trying to crawl INGO directories from
Start crawling external INGO Directory from ""... INGO name: Australian Foundation for the Peoples of Asia and the PacificShort Name: AFAPStreet - Number and Name: Dang Thai Mai StreetPhone: +84-4-38562421Helper decrypt. Title with unusual email encoding: Australian Foundation for the Peoples of Asia and the PacificHelper decrypt. encoded_email: /cdn-cgi/l/email-protection" class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="fc9d98919592bc9d9a9d8c8a92d2938e9bHelper decrypt. Resulted decoded_email: admin@afapvn.orgHelper decrypt pos2: 107Email Address: admin@afapvn.orgVietnam Website: International Website: http://www.afap.orgMission Statement: AFAP's mission is to be a leading agent for poverty alleviation through innovative and appropriate community-based development focused in the South Pacific, Asia and AfricaHistory: In 1989, AFAP received its first Vietnam Friendship Medal for medical assistance in Hai Phong. AFAP opened its Hanoi office in 1995, becoming the first Australian NGO fully accredited by the Vietnamese Government. Since then, AFAP has diversified its programmes into agriculture, micro-enterprise, preventive health care, disaster relief, capacity building, natural resource management.Categories: DEBUG, partner list: INGO name: Agrisud International VietnamShort Name: AgrisudStreet - Number and Name: 89B Nguyen Chi Thanh RoadPhone: Helper decrypt. Title with unusual email encoding: Agrisud International VietnamHelper decrypt. encoded_email: /cdn-cgi/l/email-protection" class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="8ceffae5ede0ede8e9ccedebfee5fff9e8a2e3feebHelper decrypt. Resulted decoded_email: cvialade@agrisud.orgHelper decrypt pos2: 115Email Address: cvialade@agrisud.orgVietnam Website: International Website: http://www.agrisud.orgMission Statement: History: Categories: DEBUG, partner list: INGO name: AgriterraShort Name: AgriterraStreet - Number and Name: Phone: Email Address: Vietnam Website: International Website: http://www.agriterra.orgMission Statement: History: Categories: DEBUG, partner list: INGO name: AIDA AYUDA, INTERCAMBIO Y DESARROLLOShort Name: AIDA VietnamStreet - Number and Name: number 10D, alley 11, Tay Ho streetPhone: +84-4-37186357Helper decrypt. Title with unusual email encoding: AIDA AYUDA, INTERCAMBIO Y DESARROLLOHelper decrypt. encoded_email: /cdn-cgi/l/email-protection" class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="64120d01100a050956240b0a0349050d00054a0b1603Helper decrypt. Resulted decoded_email: vietnam2@ong-aida.orgHelper decrypt pos2: 117Email Address: vietnam2@ong-aida.orgVietnam Website: International Website: Statement: AIDA aims to promote cooperation development and solidarity among populations. Particulary, we look to conttribute to: - Increase the economic capabilities of developing countries. AIDA´s main intervention approach focuses on the development and implementation of productive projetcs in countries with remarkable structural imbalances. The main enfasis within this framework is on rural development interventions in the field, particulary in areas such as fishing , aquaculture and rural cooperatives. - Cover basic human needs though the promotion of alternate viable and sustainable development strategies. AIDA performs actions aimed at satisfying basic needs of the more vulnerable populations. In order to do this, it sets out essential responses (housing, education, technical training, etc.) based on continued technical assistance and tranfer of knowledge.History: Categories: DEBUG, partner list: INGO name: Allianz Mission e.V.Short Name: AMStreet - Number and Name: Xuan La RoadPhone: +84-4-3759 2454Helper decrypt. Title with unusual email encoding: Allianz Mission e.V.Helper decrypt. encoded_email: /cdn-cgi/l/email-protection" class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="99f0f7fff6d9f8f5f5f0f8f7e3f4f0eaeaf0f6f7eff7b7f6ebfeHelper decrypt. Resulted decoded_email: info@allianzmissionvn.orgHelper decrypt pos2: 125Email Address: info@allianzmissionvn.orgVietnam Website: Website: Mission Statement: Allianz-Mission e.V. is a Christian NGO from Germany, supported by churches, other organizations and individuals. Inspired by God's love, we work to create opportunities for lasting positive change in the lives of needy people regardless of their origin, gender and religion. Allianz-Mission strives to build cross-cultural relationships with a long-term perspective. In VietNam, emphasis is put on the initiation of sustainable community development projects that foster self-reliance, participation and empowerment in order to help realize the potential of poor and disadvantaged people. Allianz-Mission closely cooperates with national partners on all levels and integrates its projects into local structures.History: 1992: Small scale support for a hospital in Da Nang 1994: Start of a Revolving Drug Fund Project in Dan Phuong district (Ha Tay province). In addition, support for wells and school equipment. Local partner and implementing agency: Vietnamese Union of Science & Technology Associations (VUSTA) 1996: Start of a similar project in Duy Tien district (Ha Nam) again with VUSTA as Vietnamese partner and implementing agency 1997: Allianz-Mission receives "Permit for Operation" from the Committee for NGO Affairs 1998: Two German physicians become first resident representatives in Viet Nam and expand the development activities to a larger number of sectors and localities 2000: Allianz-Mission receives "Permit for the Establishment of a Project Office" from the Committee for INGO Affairs. Since 2000: ongoing implementation of development projects in Hanoi (former Ha Tay), Thai Nguyen and Lang Son Provinces.Categories: DEBUG, partner list: INGO name: American Red CrossShort Name: AmCrossStreet - Number and Name: Dao Duy AnhPhone: +84 4 39422995Helper decrypt. Title with unusual email encoding: American Red CrossHelper decrypt. encoded_email: /cdn-cgi/l/email-protection" class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="05646866776a7676736b45646866776a76762b6a77622b736bHelper decrypt. Resulted decoded_email: decrypt pos2: 123Email Address: Website: International Website: http://www.redcross.orgMission Statement: American Red Cross is a non-profit, volunteer-led, humanitarian organization that helps vulnerable people and communities around the world prevent, prepare for and respond to disasters, complex humanitarian emergencies, and life-threatening health conditions.History: The American Red Cross started its operations in Vietnam in 2000, which have included support for PWDs, avian influenza prevention, disaster preparedness, HIV/AIDS, education and child nutrition projects.Categories: DEBUG, partner list: INGO name: Agence de Médecine PréventiveShort Name: AMPStreet - Number and Name: Phone: +84-4- 3211 5770Email Address: Vietnam Website: International Website: Mission Statement: History: Categories: DEBUG, partner list: INGO name: Union Aid Abroad APHEDA VietnamShort Name: APHEDA VietnamStreet - Number and Name: 298 Kim Ma StreetPhone: +84-4-3726 2719Helper decrypt. Title with unusual email encoding: Union Aid Abroad APHEDA VietnamHelper decrypt. encoded_email: /cdn-cgi/l/email-protection" class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="8feeffe7eaebeea1e7eee1e0e6cfe7e1a1f9e1e1a1f9e1Helper decrypt. Resulted decoded_email: apheda.hanoi@hn.vnn.vnHelper decrypt pos2: 119Email Address: apheda.hanoi@hn.vnn.vnVietnam Website: International Website: Statement: Union Aid Abroad (APHEDA) was established in 1984 as the international solidarity, aid & development agency of the Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU). APHEDA is non-profit, secular, & progressive, supporting partnerships for socio-economic development & trade union & labor-based programs in developing countries around the world. Support for Vietnam General Confederation of Labour (VGCL), Provincial Union Federations (FOL) , industrial and grass root unions to strengthen negotiation, bargaining, consultation and representation of workers.Workplace research, advocacy and training on occupational hazards such as asbestos and support to workplace health networks.Building alliances to promote improved labour standards in key sectors such as garment and textiles. Income generation, employment & micro enterprise development through non-formal vocational training. Enhancing women’s participation & recognition in development & leadership. Combining information and education programs on HIV with specific support to groups of people living with HIV/AIDS. Support to affected workers and communities to mitigate and respond to climate changeHistory: APHEDA has worked in some of the poorest and the most remote provinces in Vietnam since 1985. APHEDA has focused on both poor remote provinces and urban industrial zones with projects in partnership with a range of local implementing organisations, such as the Women’s Union and trade unions. Projects support the Decent Work Agenda, improving labour standards and strengthening unions through education & training of workers in labour rights, health and safety, collective bargaining, workplace consultation and union recruitment. Projects focus on poverty and discrimination through vocational training & micro-credit, women and children's health, people living with HIV, people with disabilities, and survivors of trafficking. Funding for APHEDA's Vietnam programs comes from donations, Australian and international trade union grants, AusAID, SASK Finland, OPC Sweden, the ILO and UN agenciesCategories: DEBUG, partner list: INGO name: The Atlantic Philanthropies (Viet Nam) Ltd.Short Name: AtlanticStreet - Number and Name: No. 31, Ngo 151-B Thai HaPhone: +84-4-3514 8923Helper decrypt. Title with unusual email encoding: The Atlantic Philanthropies (Viet Nam) Ltd.Helper decrypt. encoded_email: /cdn-cgi/l/email-protection" class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="0d5b646879636c604d6c79616c6379646e7d6564616c6379657f627d64687e23627f6aHelper decrypt. Resulted decoded_email: Vietnam@atlanticphilanthropies.orgHelper decrypt pos2: 143Email Address: Vietnam@atlanticphilanthropies.orgVietnam Website: Website: Statement: At The Atlantic Philanthropies, we are dedicated to bringing about lasting changes in the lives of people who are disadvantaged by their economic situation, race, nationality, gender, age, disabilities, immigration status, sexual orientation, political affiliation or religion.History: To improve the quality of primary health care and health outcomes for all, especially vulnerable populations, Atlantic believes that Viet Nam requires stronger local capacities – including a larger pool of primary health care professionals, systems and infrastructure. With these improvements, Viet Nam can address local health challenges, improve preventive care and encourage healthy behaviours.Categories: DEBUG, partner list: INGO name: Australian Volunteers InternationalShort Name: AVIStreet - Number and Name: 298 Kim Ma StreetPhone: +84-24-32321452Helper decrypt. Title with unusual email encoding: Australian Volunteers InternationalHelper decrypt. encoded_email: /cdn-cgi/l/email-protection" class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="7f171b100b170a063f1e0a0c0b0d1e13161e110910130a110b1a1a0d0c511c1012Helper decrypt. Resulted decoded_email: hdothuy@australianvolunteers.comHelper decrypt pos2: 139Email Address: hdothuy@australianvolunteers.comVietnam Website: International Website: http://www.australianvolunteers.comMission Statement: AVI works to build links and increase cooperation between Austraians and people living in developing communities. An independent, non-government organisation, it conducts a variety of people-centred develpment activites across a diverse range of sectors in some 20 countries throguhout Asia, Agrica and the Pacific as well as in remote Aboriginal communities ithin Australian. AVI believes that international volunteering based on reciprocal learning through commiment, engagement and solidarity contributes to a more peaceful and just world. Interntional volunteers share their knowledge, experiences and skills as they live, work andlearn in response to needs expressed by ocal communities. Australian Volunteers International profides opportunities for Australians to becom volunteers and assists them in sharing the learning from their international experiences. Volunteers are employed by and report to a host institution, government department or other organisation. AVI provides pastoral support to the volunteers and acts as a mediator if work place issues arise which cannot be reselved between the volunteer and the host organisation. The Australian Government's overseas aid program, AusAID provides signigicant support for Australian volunteers who work in a development capacity in Vietnam.History: Australian Volunteers international (AVI) has been at the forefront of international volunteering for 60 years last year, and has enabled over 9000 Australians to find their place in the world through an opportunity to work in developing communities. During the period from 1985 to 2012 Australian Volunteers International (known until 1999 as Overseas Service Bureau) has placed nearly 400 skilled Australian Volunteers in Vietnam in wide variety of occupations, living in urban, provincial and sometimes very remote communities, including co-sponsored placements under the United Nations Volunteer Programme. A main sectoral focus has been education, primarily English language training, with other placements in media and communications, agriculture, natural resource management and community development. AVI has also managed projects, co-implemented with Vietnamese partners, in English language training, community forestry, animal health and mine action awareness. The spirit of partnership and adventure that motivated those first Australian volunteers 60 years ago continues to inspire AVI's programs.Categories: DEBUG, partner list: INGO Directory - Crawling FINISHED!
Start crawling external INGO Directory from ""... INGO name: Animals Asia FoundationShort Name: AAFStreet - Number and Name: 97 Tran Quoc Toan StreetPhone: +84-4-3928 9264Helper decrypt. Title with unusual email encoding: Animals Asia FoundationHelper decrypt. encoded_email: /cdn-cgi/l/email-protection" class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="5f363139301f3e313632333e2c3e2c363e71302d38Helper decrypt. Resulted decoded_email: info@animlasasia.orgHelper decrypt pos2: 115Email Address: info@animlasasia.orgVietnam Website: International Website: http://www.animalsasia.orgMission Statement: Mission and Vision: Asia based, Asia focused, forging Asian solutions. Animals Asia Foundation is devoted to the needs of wild, domesticated and endangered species throughout the Asian continent. Our mission is to improve the lives of all animals in Asia, end cruelty and restore respect for animals Asia-wide. Our Vision: Change for all animals, inspired by empathy for the few. Our animal ambassadors embody the ideal that empathy for one animal can evolve into empathy for an entire species and ultimately for all species.History: Animals Asia first started work in Vietnam in 1998, encouraging the Government to introduce laws that would end bear farming. In 2005, Animals Asia signed an agreement with the Central Forest Protection Department to establish the Vietnam Bear Rescue Centre for 200 bears in Tam Dao National Park, Vinh Phuc Province. The Centre will serve to provide a lifetime refuge for bears confiscated by Forest Protection Department authorities from farms where they were kept for bile extraction, or from bear owners who voluntarily handed back bears to the government. The Centre comprises a quarantine facility, five double bear houses with large outside enclosures, a special bear care area, an education/visitor centre, administration and staff facility, storage and food preparation facilities, and utilities to service the Centre. The Vietnam Bear Rescue Centre will serve as an educational centre to raise awareness of the conservation and welfare of bears in Vietnam. After a minimum of 20 years of operation, Animals Asia Foundation will transfer the Centre to Vietnam for management.Categories: DEBUG, partner list: INGO name: Alliance Anti TraficShort Name: AATStreet - Number and Name: Phone: Helper decrypt. Title with unusual email encoding: Alliance Anti TraficHelper decrypt. encoded_email: /cdn-cgi/l/email-protection" class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="c2b4aca3a1b6abadac82a3aeaeaba3aca1a7a3acb6abb6b0a3a4aba1ecadb0a5Helper decrypt. Resulted decoded_email: vnaction@allianceantitrafic.orgHelper decrypt pos2: 137Email Address: vnaction@allianceantitrafic.orgVietnam Website: International Website: Mission Statement: History: Categories: DEBUG, partner list: INGO name: ActionAid VietnamShort Name: AAVStreet - Number and Name: No. 01 Luong Yen St., Hai Ba Trung Dist.,Phone: +84-4-3943 9866Helper decrypt. Title with unusual email encoding: ActionAid VietnamHelper decrypt. encoded_email: /cdn-cgi/l/email-protection" class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="d2bfb3bbbefcb3b3a492b3b1a6bbbdbcb3bbb6fcbda0b5Helper decrypt. Resulted decoded_email: mail.aav@actionaid.orgHelper decrypt pos2: 119Email Address: mail.aav@actionaid.orgVietnam Website: Website: http://www.actionaid.orgMission Statement: ActionAid is a global federation committed to finding sustainable solutions to end poverty and injustice. With more than 40 national members and country programmes worldwide, ActionAid focuses the majority of its resources on working with millions of the poorest and most excluded women, men and children. We take sides with them, making long term commitments to advance their human rights and to transform the world in which their children grow up. We support thousands of communities, partners and peoples’ movements in lower income countries to improve their lives through participatory capacity-development, solidarity, campaigns and emergency responses. ActionAid makes people-to-people links across the world with those who share our vision of a poverty free planet. ActionAid International is a unique democratic federation collectively governed by all its members, supported by an International Secretariat in Johannesburg so we can act as one organisation in solidarity with people living in poverty. Our central values of gender equality with courage of conviction drive our ambitions to innovate, take risks, promote women’s leadership and advance alternatives and lasting solutions. ActionAid International Vietnam (AAV) is an organic part of ActionAid International (AAI), working alongside people in the struggle for a world free of poverty and injustice. AAV works together with different groupings of poor and marginalized people, communities, knowledge institutions, civil society organizations, and other stakeholders to make change sustainable. Our vision: A world without poverty and injustice in which every person enjoys the right to life with dignity. Our mission: To work in solidarity with people living in poverty to eradicate poverty and injustice. Our values: Solidarity with people living in poverty, the powerless and the excluded; Transparency and accountability; Independence and neutrality from any religious or party-political affiliation.History: ActionAid started its programme in Vietnam in 1989 and in 1992 the representative office was registered in Hanoi. In 1994 some of the long term development programmes were launched aiming for poverty alleviation in four Development Areas (DAs) in Son La, Ha Tinh, Dien Bien and Ninh Thuan. AAV has gone through four different strategy phases, each identifying our understanding in the context of Vietnam and directing our actions to eradicate poverty. The first Country Strategy Paper (CSP I) was introduced in 1994. The next phase of the CSP II was launched from 1996 to 2000. The programme design was prioritized on the basis of organizational learning from the past few years. CSP III was launched during the period 2001 – 2005, structured around the analysis of Vietnam in terms of its economic and social development. CSP IV (2006 – 2010) is a continuum of AAV efforts from 1989 to make a positive and lasting difference to the lives of poor and excluded people in the country. The strategy was outlined with the analysis of unequal and unjust power relations identified as the root cause of poverty. CSP V for the period of 2012-2017 has been developed with the participation and cooperation of AAV’s different stakeholders, including communities, partners, academicians, media, policy makers and ActionAid team members. CSP V inherits the results and lessons from the last four CSPs. Based on processes of critical reviews and comprehensive consultations, CSP V seeks to confirm our solidarity with the poor and marginalized, our belief in their capacity and agency in changing the power relations and undertaking alternatives for a life with dignity. Over two decades, AAV has been recognized and is well known in the country for its contribution to the development of Vietnam.Categories: DEBUG, partner list: INGO name: The American Bar Association's Rule of Law InitiativeShort Name: ABA ROLIStreet - Number and Name: Phone: +84 (0) 915 344 801Helper decrypt. Title with unusual email encoding: The American Bar Association's Rule of Law InitiativeHelper decrypt. encoded_email: /cdn-cgi/l/email-protection" class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="14677566757c3a7375667a716654757971667d77757a7675663a7b6673Helper decrypt. Resulted decoded_email: sarah.garner@americanbar.orgHelper decrypt pos2: 131Email Address: sarah.garner@americanbar.orgVietnam Website: International Website: Statement: The ABA Rule of Law Initiative is a public service project of the American Bar Association dedicated to promoting rule of law around the world. The ABA Rule of Law Initiative believes that rule of law promotion is the most effective long-term antidote to the pressing problems facing the world community today, including poverty, economic stagnation, and conflict.History: In 2010, ABA ROLI received a permit to operate in Vietnam.Categories: DEBUG, partner list: INGO name: Agricultural Cooperative Development International / Volunteers in Overseas Cooperative AssistanceShort Name: ACDI/VOCAStreet - Number and Name: 40 Ba Huyen Thanh QuanPhone: +84-8-3930 5689Helper decrypt. Title with unusual email encoding: Agricultural Cooperative Development International / Volunteers in Overseas Cooperative AssistanceHelper decrypt. encoded_email: /cdn-cgi/l/email-protection" class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="ddb4b3bbb29dbcbeb9b4abb2bebcf3b2afbaf3abb3Helper decrypt. Resulted decoded_email: decrypt pos2: 115Email Address: Website: http://www.thesuccessalliance.orgInternational Website: http://www.acdivoca.orgMission Statement: Expanding Opportunities WorldwideHistory: In Vietnam, ACDI/VOCA started its first project in 2002 in partnership with central and local Governmental bodies. Up to now, three projects have been implemented in over 10 provinces thought out Vietnam with total budget of more than 11 millions USD.Categories: DEBUG, partner list: INGO name: a child's rightShort Name: ACRStreet - Number and Name: 1172 BroadwayPhone: +84-913404366Helper decrypt. Title with unusual email encoding: a child's rightHelper decrypt. encoded_email: /cdn-cgi/l/email-protection" class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="044965766f4465676c6d686077766d636c702a6b7663Helper decrypt. Resulted decoded_email: Mark@achildsright.orgHelper decrypt pos2: 117Email Address: Mark@achildsright.orgVietnam Website: International Website: Mission Statement: History: Categories: DEBUG, partner list: INGO name: Agricultural Development Denmark AsiaShort Name: ADDAStreet - Number and Name: 85 Nguyen Chi ThanhPhone: +84 43 762 3533Helper decrypt. Title with unusual email encoding: Agricultural Development Denmark AsiaHelper decrypt. encoded_email: /cdn-cgi/l/email-protection" class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="711015151019101f1e1831071f1f5f071fHelper decrypt. Resulted decoded_email: addahanoi@vnn.vnHelper decrypt pos2: 107Email Address: addahanoi@vnn.vnVietnam Website: http://adda.vnInternational Website: http://adda.dkMission Statement: ADDA is a Danish NGO (Non-Governmental Organization) founded in March 1994 in order to meet the need for development, emphasis being placed on Agricultural education in Southeast Asia. ADDA consists of members from a broad section of the Danish population, both teaching and advisory institutions, associations, private agro-industrial companies, and individuals with an interest in Danish development work, focusing on agriculture in Southeast Asia. ADDA recieves its financial support from the above organisations and individual members together with support from DANIDA (a department under the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs). ADDA aims to assist with improving the level of self- sufficiency for the poorest parts of the Southeast Asian rural population, among others returned refugees. ADDA wishes to achieve this major objective by establishing long lasting contacts and co-operation with local NGOs in Southeast Asia. ADDA have professional capacity. The professional capacity of ADDA covers experience within agricultural consultancy, education, research, practical farming, language education, administration and management.History: Categories: DEBUG, partner list: INGO name: Adventist Development and Relief Agency in VietnamShort Name: ADRAStreet - Number and Name: 2 Me Tri Thuong, Phường Mễ TrìPhone: +84-24-3852 5183Helper decrypt. Title with unusual email encoding: Adventist Development and Relief Agency in VietnamHelper decrypt. encoded_email: /cdn-cgi/l/email-protection" class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="2a5e584b444d6a4b4e584b5c434f5e444b470445584dHelper decrypt. Resulted decoded_email: trang@adravietnam.orgHelper decrypt pos2: 117Email Address: trang@adravietnam.orgVietnam Website: http://www.adravietnam.orgInternational Website: http://www.adra.orgMission Statement: ADRA works with people in poverty and distress to create just and positive change through empowering partnerships and responsible action.History: ADRA began working in Vietnam in 1988 with shipments of medicine from ADRA United States. Between 1989 and 1993, ADRA’s activities in Vietnam were administered by Dennis Tidwell from Thailand, in conjunction with ADRA work in Laos and Cambodia. ADRA in Vietnam has implemented many projects in six sectors: disaster relief, health, credit and savings, income generation, education and training, and water and sanitation. ADRA in Vietnam has managed projects in over half of the provinces throughout the nation.Categories: DEBUG, partner list: INGO name: Aide-et-actionShort Name: AEAStreet - Number and Name: Phone: +84 4 3726 5537Helper decrypt. Title with unusual email encoding: Aide-et-actionHelper decrypt. encoded_email: /cdn-cgi/l/email-protection" class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="f88c8dd6969f8d819d96b899919c9dd59d8cd5999b8c919796d6978a9fHelper decrypt. Resulted decoded_email: tu.nguyen@aide-et-action.orgHelper decrypt pos2: 131Email Address: tu.nguyen@aide-et-action.orgVietnam Website: International Website: Mission Statement: History: Categories: DEBUG, partner list: INGO name: Academy for Educational Development (MISSION CLOSED)Short Name: AEDStreet - Number and Name: Giang Van Minh StreetPhone: +84-4-3723 6928Helper decrypt. Title with unusual email encoding: Academy for Educational Development (MISSION CLOSED)Helper decrypt. encoded_email: /cdn-cgi/l/email-protection" class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="aacedacedfc4cdeaccc2c3999c9a84c5d8cdHelper decrypt. Resulted decoded_email: dpdung@fhi360.orgHelper decrypt pos2: 109Email Address: dpdung@fhi360.orgVietnam Website: International Website: http://www.aed.orgMission Statement: To improve education, health, civil society and economic development. In collaboration with local and international partners, AED fosters sustainable results to social and economic challenges through practical, comprehensive and innovative approaches which include behavior change communication (BCC), gender, partnerships, research and evaluation, social marketing, technology application, training and capacity building.History: In 2002, AED operations in Vietnam started with the launch of the HIV/AIDS workplace program, Strategically Managing AIDS Responses Together in the Workplace (SMARTWORK) funded by the US Department of Labor and USAID. From 2005 to 2009, AED collaborated with government and NGO partners in implementing the USAID-funded project, Avian Influenza Behavior Change Communication (AI BCC).Categories: DEBUG, partner list: INGO Directory - Crawling FINISHED!