February 11, 2025

Allianz Mission e.V.

Short Name: AM
Address Line 1: No. 15
Address Line 2: Alley 105
Street - Number and Name: Xuan La Road
City: Hanoi
Contact Person – Vietnam: Dr. Jochen Fiebrantz, Country Representatives
Phone: +84-4-3759 2454
Fax: +84-4-37669614
International website:
International Headquarter:
Mission Statement: Allianz-Mission e.V. is a Christian NGO from Germany, supported by churches, other organizations and individuals. Inspired by God's love, we work to create opportunities for lasting positive change in the lives of needy people regardless of their origin, gender and religion. Allianz-Mission strives to build cross-cultural relationships with a long-term perspective. In VietNam, emphasis is put on the initiation of sustainable community development projects that foster self-reliance, participation and empowerment in order to help realize the potential of poor and disadvantaged people. Allianz-Mission closely cooperates with national partners on all levels and integrates its projects into local structures.
History of operations in Vietnam: 1992: Small scale support for a hospital in Da Nang 1994: Start of a Revolving Drug Fund Project in Dan Phuong district (Ha Tay province). In addition, support for wells and school equipment. Local partner and implementing agency: Vietnamese Union of Science & Technology Associations (VUSTA) 1996: Start of a similar project in Duy Tien district (Ha Nam) again with VUSTA as Vietnamese partner and implementing agency 1997: Allianz-Mission receives "Permit for Operation" from the Committee for NGO Affairs 1998: Two German physicians become first resident representatives in Viet Nam and expand the development activities to a larger number of sectors and localities 2000: Allianz-Mission receives "Permit for the Establishment of a Project Office" from the Committee for INGO Affairs. Since 2000: ongoing implementation of development projects in Hanoi (former Ha Tay), Thai Nguyen and Lang Son Provinces.
Vietnam Programme Description: In Viet Nam Allianz-Mission focuses on holistic community development projects with close links to people on the 'grassroot level'. In this, Allianz-Mission's engagement is not confined to a fixed number of specialized programmes but aims to develop integrated projects according to the diverse needs of each local community. Goals are: 1. To identify existing needs and resources of the community in the following areas: community health, child development, poverty alleviation, capacity building, support for disadvantaged people's groups 2. To develop and implement appropriate projects to address these needs effectively. In recent years, the emphasis has been on interventions in the sectors of Health Care, Child Development and micro-loans for Animal Husbandry. 3. To raise awareness about local resources in order to empower and facilitate people to actively take responsibility for the improvement of their situation. 4. To strengthen the management capacity of local decision makers. In addition to the above, AM has been engaged in various emergency relief activities in its project areas and beyond.
Years of operation in Vietnam: 20
Projects in Vietnam:
  • Cow Bank: revolving loan cycle with animals instead of monetary loans
  • Animal Loan Project: micro-loans for income generation by animal husbandry
  • Fish Cage Project: micro-loans for income generation by fish rasing
  • Piglet Raising Project: micro-loans for income generation by piglet rasing
  • Healthy Family - Healthy Community Project: Integrated project fostering healthy community relationships by interventions in the follwing areas: Early child development, age-specific issues of school children and teenagers, integration of special needs children, reduction of violence in families, mother & baby health.
  • Community Development Project: hamlet-based project for community-driven development
  • Income Generation Project: farmer group based project; micro-loans for income generation by animal husbandry or agriculture
  • Local Partner(s) in Vietnam:
  • Focal agency: PACCOM. Local Project Management Committees on District and Commune Level consisting of People's Committees and relevant departments.
  • National staff: 7
    Expatriate staff: 2
    Budget in USD : 130,000