Aus4Quality|GREAT is a 10-year flagship initiative of the Australian aid program, which has been implemented by Cowater International since 2016 in Vietnam. The program promotes women’s economic empowerment (WEE) in the ethnically diverse north-west region of Vietnam, through the integration of a market systems development (MSD) approach.
GREAT program is inviting professional design firms to submit quotations for the work package of ‘DESIGNING AND PRODUCTION OF PROGRAM IDENTITY AND INTRODUCTION PUBLICATIONS AND POSMS’.
Details of the ToR and application instructions can be found here.
Service providers are encouraged to apply no later than 5pm Hanoi Time (GMT+7) Wednesday, 24th January 2024. Please send an application to and indicate in the subject “Application for Design and Production of Program Identity and Introduction Publications and POSMs”.
The maximum capacity of each email GREAT can receive is 25MB.