January 20, 2025

Academy for Educational Development (MISSION CLOSED)

Short Name: AED
Address Line 1: No. 17
Address Line 2: Lane 52
Street - Number and Name: Giang Van Minh Street
City: Hanoi
Contact Person – Vietnam: Do Thi Phuong Dung
Email address: dpdung@fhi360.org
Phone: +84-4-3723 6928
Fax: +84-4-3723 6193
International website: http://www.aed.org
Vietnam website:
International Headquarter:
Mission Statement: To improve education, health, civil society and economic development. In collaboration with local and international partners, AED fosters sustainable results to social and economic challenges through practical, comprehensive and innovative approaches which include behavior change communication (BCC), gender, partnerships, research and evaluation, social marketing, technology application, training and capacity building.
History of operations in Vietnam: In 2002, AED operations in Vietnam started with the launch of the HIV/AIDS workplace program, Strategically Managing AIDS Responses Together in the Workplace (SMARTWORK) funded by the US Department of Labor and USAID. From 2005 to 2009, AED collaborated with government and NGO partners in implementing the USAID-funded project, Avian Influenza Behavior Change Communication (AI BCC).
Vietnam Programme Description: Under a grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation from 2009-2013, the Alive & Thrive (A&T) program aims to increase rates of exclusive breastfeeding and improve feeding practices for children 6-24 months old, and reduce by at least 50% the disability adjusted life years lost (DALYs) due to poor infant and young child feeding (IYCF) practices. With its partners, AED is developing new models for creating demand and sustaining improved IYCF at scale using approaches that recognize four factors: (1) Breastfeeding and complementary feeding are distinct behaviors that require distinct approaches; (2) Both the public and private sectors are needed to solve the problem, perhaps in novel partnerships; (3) A combination of improved products and practices is key; and (4) Advocacy, innovative use of media and new information technologies are critical to extend program reach and change practices, as well as create a common vision, leadership, accountability, demand, and resources for IYCF. Through its Food and Nutrition Technical Assistance II (FANTA-2) project, AED received funding from the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) to work with the National Institute of Nutrition to address food and nutrition issues. The project focuses on coordination of food, nutrition and HIV efforts among PEPFAR partners in Vietnam and strengthening nutrition responses to HIV based on identified gaps and opportunities. Activities include developing national guidelines on nutrition care and support for PLHIV, creating counseling and IEC materials on replacement and complementary feeding of HIV-affected infants and young children, and supporting a food-by- prescription program for PLHIV, orphans and vulnerable children. Under the USAID-funded New Partners Initiative (NPI), AED is providing technical assistance to strengthen capacity of USAID grantees i.e., Nordic Assistance to Vietnam (NAV) in programming for orphans and vulnerable children in six provinces and Worldwide Orphans Foundation (WWO) in supporting HIV+ children in three orphanages in Ho Chi Minh City.
Years of operation in Vietnam: 8
Projects in Vietnam:
  • Alive and Thrive (A&T)
  • Food and Nutrition Technical Assistance II Project (FANTA-2)
  • New Partners Initiative (NPI)
  • Local Partner(s) in Vietnam:
    National staff: 7
    Expatriate staff: 4
    Budget in USD : 0